Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship

The purpose of this qualification is to produce graduates who are able to combine theory and creativity which encourages the graduates to dwell more on employment creation rather than the generic employment consumption. The qualification therefore helps to develop the following competencies in the following areas: business planning, business management, financial management, resource procurement, franchising, […]
Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management

Offered to anyone who is interested in the sub-field of Marketing in the Field of Commerce and Management irrespective of any disability, learning difficulty,
Bachelor of Commerce in Business Information and Technology Management (B Com BITM)

This learning programme is offered to anyone who is interested in the sub-field of Information Technology in the Field of Commerce and Management irrespective of any disability
Certificate V in Business Management

The qualification is offered to anyone who is interested in the Field of Business, Commerce and Management irrespective of any disability, learning difficulty, record of criminal conviction, age, gender, ethnic background and parental education or contextual data. Enrolment process is fair and equitable and applies equally to all individuals . Entry requirements To gain admission […]