The importance of IT today, and its relevance for tomorrow

Every company’s IT department plays a pivotal role in its success. That’s because so much of what companies do today requires…
Educate yourself from anywhere

In 2019, it’s good to be African! The continent is developing at a faster pace than ever before; we have all the natural resources the rest of the world…
How to set goals for your personal development

Becoming a better person through self-development is an admirable goal well worth pursuing. More than that, it’s a goal that will do you – and the people in your life – a world of good…
Women’s leadership: Advice from 5 inspiring women leaders

Harper Lee once said, “Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.” However, here’s the thing about advice – everybody has an opinion. So, how do you know…
What is PR exactly? And what do I do with a PR degree?

PR is used to tell the positive side of a client’s story, and PR practitioners are experts at doing damage-control when things have gone wrong as well…
Artificial Intelligence: How to remain relevant in a digital world

Business managers currently spend 54% of an average work day on administration, according to an Accenture survey published in the Harvard Business Review…
Redefining Marketing: Sales Enabler to a Growth Driver – Are You Ready?

Business has never been more exciting as our world becomes increasingly interconnected and complex. The 4th Industrial Revolution and the advance…
Why there’s never been a better time to study a business degree

Business has never been more exciting as our world becomes increasingly interconnected and complex. The 4th Industrial Revolution and the advance…
Want to be a successful entrepreneur?

Small businesses have it tough as it is, needing to survive and grow without the resources of large corporations. Access to marketing budgets, legal experts, …
4th Industrial Revolution: Lessons from the past

Digital disruption has brought the world to the verge of another major technological and societal shift, one that we’re still grappling to understand. As they say, history repeats itself