Artificial Intelligence: How to remain relevant in a digital world

Business managers currently spend 54% of an average work day on administration, according to an Accenture survey published in the Harvard Business Review…
Redefining Marketing: Sales Enabler to a Growth Driver – Are You Ready?

Business has never been more exciting as our world becomes increasingly interconnected and complex. The 4th Industrial Revolution and the advance…
Why there’s never been a better time to study a business degree

Business has never been more exciting as our world becomes increasingly interconnected and complex. The 4th Industrial Revolution and the advance…
Want to be a successful entrepreneur?

Small businesses have it tough as it is, needing to survive and grow without the resources of large corporations. Access to marketing budgets, legal experts, …
4th Industrial Revolution: Lessons from the past

Digital disruption has brought the world to the verge of another major technological and societal shift, one that we’re still grappling to understand. As they say, history repeats itself
Seizing the opportunities of emerging tech

You’d never guess that such a tech-driven company was founded by a Boda Boda (motorcycle) driver himself. But Ricky is on a mission. Boda Bodas are the…
How to express your individuality in business

The workplace is changing, with organisations that have a diverse workforce proven to be more innovative. Companies are increasingly on the hunt for creative thinkers…
Benefits of accelerated study

Sometimes, just sometimes, once the nightclubs have closed, the Mediterranean waters start to chill and the thought of another Mojito reminds you of a…
The role of lecturers in an age where knowledge is ubiquitous

A monk once stood in a medieval courtyard, packed with people clinging to his every word as he recited passages from a manuscript. He spoke, they listened
The Golden Rules of goal setting

Rule #1 Don’t get too hung up on setting goals. We’ve all been told how important it is to set goals, and studies have shown that setting goals can increase motivation and performance. But many renowned thought leaders, career coaches and psychologists have a different school of thought: Don’t let a specific goal drive everything […]