#2018Goals: The Year of Fulfilling Goals

The New Year is a chance to improve your quality of life and be prosperous in all areas. Here are some ideas to help set achievable goals in 2018.

Year after year has passed by with potential untapped and dreams undiscovered. It’s time to change the strategy. Something’s got to give, for you to reach the next level. It is time to have the kind of passion that creates discomfort and prompts you to take action. It is time you rise up and claim the life you want.

You are not doing anyone a favour by being mediocre or maintaining the status quo. But you can make a positive difference when you share your gifts with the world and contribute to it being a better place. Life is about reinventing yourself, eliminating what does not work and focusing on what does. You cannot practice the same habits and expect results. You have to do things differently in order to achieve your milestones.

The truth is, if you do not have a plan for your life, how will you succeed? Without a plan, you are likely to get sucked into another year of mediocrity. You have to be willing to adopt some of the habits that successful people have and use them in your own life. This is the year where you shouldn’t shortchange yourself or settle for less than you deserve.

If you are looking for the inspiration to help you get started, here are some tweets to show you how 2018 can be a year of achieving your goals and advancing in all areas of your life.

1.       “2018 is going to be a year of #recovery. It’s going to be about improving mental and physical #health. It’s going to be about making myself a priority.” #2018goals- MeganFinsel

Image source: : wallpapers-hd-wide.com 

2018 can be the year in which you place greater focus on your wellness and improve in all areas of your life. If you are going through life challenges such as relocating, dealing with the loss of a loved or you are faced with some kind of turmoil, there are steps you can take to heal and get to a better place. Once you you have observed the patterns of your life or uncovered the root of your problems it becomes possible to get to a better space.

Mental health and self-improvement is something that more people are starting to value. Self-care and the practice of finding ways to build resilience for difficult times is increasingly a topic of conversation in workplaces and homes.  Gone are the days of the term ‘depression’ being taboo and suffering in silence. Nowadays, there are many self-care platforms that offer help to those experiencing challenges in their life.

There are also more influential voices that have broken their silence and shared their experiences with hardships they faced. These celebrities that have voiced their struggles with mental illness give others the courage to ‘face their demons’. These public personalities have spoken about their darkest hours and how they have risen above their struggles, to help the next person.

Here are some ways to stimulate your mental health in 2018:

  • Physical exercise- Signing up for gym class, dance lessons, yoga or anything that excites you.
  • Focusing on things that fuel your passion– This can be reading inspirational messages or books that will drive you towards your goals
  • Go for therapy- It might sound dramatic, but speaking to a professional counselor can help you uncover many deep-rooted With this knowledge, you can focus on bettering yourself.
  • Find a mentor- Having a person of positive influence in your life can keep you motivated towards your goals. Find a mentor that you look up to and one who believes in your vision.
  • Spend more time with loved ones- This is often underrated, but maintaining a good relationship with your loved ones does impact on your
  • Do more of what makes you happy– This is a vital factor in your wellbeing. Doing what fulfills you and makes you happy is what you need to place greater focus on.
  • Go out on a new adventure- You can travel and go to places around the world that you’ve always wanted to visit. This is a beautiful way to enjoy your life and make new memories.

2.      “My mindset for 2018: Remind myself that starting things doesn’t make me productive. It’s what I finish that counts. Follow through is EVERYTHING.” #2018goals- Crystal Nicole

Whatever you do, try not to run out of energy as you make your dreams happen. Beginning projects and giving up half way should become a thing of the past. You will find that as you keep the momentum going, you become more productive and ensure that each goal is met. The aim in 2018 should be to believe in your own magic and persevere until it pays off.

You have to find ways to stay passionate despite the obstacles that you might encounter. You also have to accept that you could face failure and be optimistic about overcoming it. This will only make your success stronger and greater when you eventually overcome those odds.

Here are some ways to follow through on your Goals in  2018:

  • Get started- This is the first step to achieving progress, along with having a plan of action to fulfill each goal.
  • Get better at what you do- This can be investing in your skills to advance your success.
  • Stick to your commitment- This may be your commitment to start a business, eat healthier, save money or start exercising. It can be difficult. But it is worth the positive change that you will experience. Find ways to hold yourself accountable for the fulfilment of your goals.

3.      “When you have the right people around you, you realise you can dream bigger, see clearer, & impact more.” #2018Goals- Andre Mullen  

Surrounding yourself with people who believe in your progress is important. These are people who see your potential and are eager to see you succeed. These are valuable people who can offer you support when you experience any failure. They are the ones who cheer you on and help keep you going until you see the results of your hard work.

Here are some ways that you can improve the quality of your social circles and be surrounded by positive vibes:

  • Don’t listen to naysayers- Those who doubt your ability should be ignored. Rather spend your time listening to people you look up to, instead.
  • Stay close to people who inspire you- Picking the mind of those who are where you would like to be, can keep you focused on your journey. You will gain invaluable perspective that will help you on your journey.
  • Hang out with like-minded people- These are people that you share the same interests with. Spending time with these people with inspire you and keep you motivated.

4.       “When you let go of toxic relationships you actually allow room for better ones to come, it’s like creating more opportunities you deserve- better ones.”- Dr Gia Sison  

Research shows that decluttering your life boosts your mental health. Decluttering not only refers to throwing away items that you no longer need, but it also means doing a clean-up in all aspects of your life.

This means letting go of people who don’t believe in you and people who are energy vampires. It also means dealing with your mindset and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Find the courage to let go of past failures and feelings of resentment, if you have any.

It is important to guard your emotional energy and focus on building yourself up. When you have gone through this cleanse, you can use your energies effectively in activities that lead to growth and success. You will create new memories and enjoy life to the fullest by doing things that make you happy.

Here are some ways to create the opportunities you deserve:

  • Making new friends- When you let go of toxic friendships and relationships, you can get to know interesting people and make friends. Having a good social life is positive for your happiness and wellbeing.
  • Trying out new opportunities- Take up a position that will enhance your growth or try out new business ventures.
  • Do something new- Contribute to society and become an active citizen. You could expand your horizons when you Study a Travel programme that provides education and travel opportunities in one. The Explore.ed course will allow you to travel the beautiful city of Cape Town while you study. In this way, a student is able to get a structured education while also taking in the sights, sounds and culture of a new city. This helps a person grow in terms of their worldview and emotional intelligence. This educational travel experience will inspire you to enjoy a prosperous career path.

How to Stick to your New Year’s Resolution

“Persist until you see progress and then continue to persist until you see the pinnacle.” – Khanyi Dhlomo

It is vital for you to know your worth and to be persistent about your goals to be valued in this world. This can be in business partnerships, friendships or your career opportunities. Knowing what you bring to the table allows you to make superior choices. In the New Year, you need to be willing to take risks and put in the work required for your dreams to get to the top.

The journey toward success will involve you finding out about what excites and fulfills you. This means being tenacious about pursuing what fulfils you to see results. When you pursue those things that make you happy it leads to success. It also helps to know where you’re headed so that you are guided on your path to  your next step. It will help you take a leap of faith that you need to prosper in your life.

Chances are that if you are alive, you possess a dream in your heart. Whether it is to start a business, get fitter, travel or any other goal, there comes a time when you just know that nothing less will do. 2018 is the year that you should go for everything you’ve wanted. Go after your dreams with all the vigour that you possess.


About the Author: Khanyie Dlamini
Content Creator at Educor Holdings

As a writer in the education sector I am passionate about nurturing people in their careers, wellness and personal growth. I focus on a variety of illuminating topics that are helpful to people’s growth and success. I hope to inspire people to feel motivated to live up to their full potential and know they can have an optimistic and prosperous life. My intention is to contribute to an empowered nation that makes great choices and positive change.

Personally I enjoy the world of fashion and keeping up with the trends. I have great interest in digital trends and the impact of social media in today’s world. I enjoy learning from other creative people. I value having purposeful relationships with people who have great visions that align with my own.


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