Student Charter 2020
The Student Charter, below; aims to give all members of the academic community a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities that they, the College, and the wider student body have during their time at the College.
The Charter is a declaration of our shared values as a vibrant scholarly community in order to ensure that everything we do will always be in the best interests of our students and community.
This Student Charter shall be renewed annually by the College’s Academic Board following consultation with the student body.
As a community we will all:
- create an environment that is welcoming and inclusive, with everyone being treated fairly and with dignity, courtesy and respect;
- embrace and value diversity, recognising that different people bring different perspectives, ideas, knowledge, and culture and that this difference brings strength;
- respect the rights of individuals to hold different beliefs and views and to express them through appropriate contribution to discussion and academic debate, refraining from any activities that may compromise or disrupt academic activities, respecting the values of academic freedom and freedom of speech;
- communicate openly, honestly and with respect, and in ways that are clear, accurate and timely;
- engage in transparent and constructive dialogue;
- be a positive and responsible part of our local community, respecting the views of our neighbours and the communities in which we live and work;
- endeavour to study and work in an environmentally sustainable way.
All students have a responsibility to:
- make the most of their programme, their College experience and the other opportunities that the College and its community have to offer;
- take ownership of their own learning and experience, development and progress;
- represent the College as responsible ambassadors through their good conduct, both on and off-campus and ensure their actions have a positive impact on the College and the local and wider community;
- respect the social and physical environment of the College, its Partners and behave respectfully towards our community and our neighbours.
- be an active participant in their own learning, attending classes and meetings with staff, submitting assessments by the stated deadlines, reflect on the feedback provided and engaging in independent private study;
- participate in the College’s culture of learning, which is based on celebrating strengths and diversity, critical enquiry, debate and self-motivation;
- participate in student feedback and student representation mechanisms available to them in order to improve the experience of the student body.
- pursue their academic and professional studies in a diligent, honest and responsible manner;
- engage with the College in forming their own education and career goals, and monitor their progress towards these goals;
- engage with College initiatives to promote environmental and community sustainability; and
- comply with the College’s policies, regulations, and procedures.
- actively engage in and shape their education; and to seek solutions and advice when their academic progress or any other part of College life causes concern to them, other students or the staff who teach them.
The College has a responsibility to ensure that all students can:
- learn within a framework that facilitates their active learning and helps them achieve the outcomes of their programme;
- access high-quality support, at the point closest to an individual student’s needs, in a way that takes account of each student’s individual circumstances.
- make use of appropriate learning resources and support so that they can take responsibility for their own learning and improve their knowledge, understanding, career development, skills and competencies;
- access a tutor/supervisor or programme leader, who will provide regular opportunities to discuss academic assessment, progress and personal development;
- receive effective and timely feedback on their academic work;
- enjoy a safe place on campus in which to work and study and which considers the effect of its activities on the environment and the local community;
- access professional welfare services designed to support all students;
- get clear information on College fees and have access to advice and guidance about student loans, hardship funds (where available) and other student funding;
- express and debate their views freely within the law;
- enable and participate in a Student Representation System, valuing student engagement with the management and operation of the College;
- get information on professional and regulatory requirements relevant to their programme
- study in a College that is well managed and governed and which upholds public interest principles such as value for money, good governance, accountability, academic freedom, student engagement and freedom of speech.